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Scene Analysis

          Rounders will always be one of my favorite movies. Matt Damon is one of my favorite actors of all time and every film he is in becomes one of my favorites. My family plays poker at every get-together. I love poker, and I love poker movies. Rounders stands alone, though. I picked this scene because it makes me happy. The scene takes place at the end of the movie and it wraps up the film perfectly. It's very easy to root for Matt Damon. At the beginning of the movie, in the same place, Matt loses to the same man in a brutal hand. So, for him to come back and win vs the same guy is awesome. One of my favorite aspects of this scene and the whole movie is the setting. In specific, the old poker club where the biggest scenes take place. There is a TV in the background with boxing on. The clothing that each character wears fits them perfectly. It looks exactly how I'd imagine an old poker room looking.   

          What makes this scene so great, is the facial expressions. The shots are very simple, but they express the characters feelings very well. Obviously, these are some great actors. They are able to portray exactly what someone in their position would look like. However, these great expressions would not be as good without the focus on their face and the blurred out background. I also really liked the sound that the cards made when they hit the table. They sounded exactly as they do in real life. When KGB snaps the Oreo, it is the most satisfying sound of all time. The whole idea of the Oreo's being his tell is genius. And it is just as genius to have Matt Damon figure out what his tell is. I also really liked the fact that Matt Damon decides not to use his tell all night. He knows he doesn't have the time. He had to attack when he had the chance. And drawing a nut straight sure was the right time. Anyone who understands poker is most definitely able to appreciate the fact that after the nut, a 2 and then an Ace followed. It made KGB think that he had the hand won. KGB thought Damon was on a straight draw and that he would fold if he raised. Little did he know Damon drew the straight and had KGB killed. It is a great scene and a perfect ending to the movie. The film is full of fantastic scenes that I could have chosen from. I love how the movie ends. It shows Matt Damon in a car leaving the city. There is a voice over where Damon says that he's headed to Vegas to risk it all at the World Series of Poker. I recommend this movie to all, and especially those who like poker. This scene will always be one of my all-time favorites and now I'm going to go watch the whole movie. lol.

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