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Logan and I filmed each other both times. So we only have a total of 4 films.

Interview #1

Filming the first interview was fun and good for me to do. It was nice to use a tripod again and get a good refresher on the rule of thirds. I think my interview looks pretty good. For the first time we filmed, we forgot to use a microphone. So I had to film again. Then, the second time we filmed, I lost all of the footage when I messed up with an SD card. Finally, the third one came out decent. In my next interview, everything will look better. It was also nice to re-learn how to use microphones and lights. I'm glad to be getting a refresher on everything and my second interview will be much better than my first. 

Getting interviewed #1

Being interviewed is always very fun for me. I like getting into it and changing who I am for the interview. I like to use different accents and play around as much as possible while still being serious and producing a solid film. It was also good for Logan to get used to using the camera and interviewing someone. I hope to get interviewed more this semester and maybe be a news anchor. I think I'd be good at it. 

Interview #2

Getting interviewed #2

For our second round of interviews, we decided to play different roles. Logan was Tom Brady getting ready for the Super Bowl. This was fun to do because it opened up the number of questions I could ask. I asked him about how he feels about his own team, how he feels about the opposing team, and how he feels about being called the "GOAT". This time around my shot looks much better. It is much more focused and the sound is 100 times better. I set everything up myself and I now feel very good at setting my own stuff up. Hopefully this will translate into my up and coming films. 

Getting interviewed for the second time was just as fun as the first time. I decided to act as Lebron James while Logan interviewed. It was fun to act as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. I felt much more composed this time around. I really want to be interviewed more soon. I'm interested to see what a more professional interview looks like. I thought Logan did a good job with the questions and I was able to elaborate off of myself and the questions I was being asked. 

Deion Sanders 30 for 30

Deion Sanders is a man amongst men. This documentary talks and shows the day he played for both the Atlanta Braves and the Atlanta Falcons. He travels from Pittsburg, to Miami, and back to Pittsburg. The journey is incredible and listening to Deion speak about it himself was really cool. To hear the insides of the event is very interesting and I now have a new favorite player. 

          The film itself was very well made. They decided to film Deion being interviewed it a gigantic airport garage. Everything was white on purpose, to show how "primetime" Deion was. there are expensive cars and aircrafts around the warehouse to further more show how prime he was. The lighting in that room is very cool and it makes Deion look like even more of a beast. For the other interviews, people are filmed in a less extravagant environment  This is smart because the idea of the film is to show Deion and not the other random people. this documentary is incredible because it has so much footage of the games and the in-betweens of that one long day. They have so much B-roll that just makes the film what it is. Watching Deion sanders must have been pretty incredible. The film also has great sound. They have real broadcasters voices from the games and the way Deion talks about that day is just insane. He's so cocky, yet you want to love him. I also think it was very cool that they decided to have Bo Jackson in the film. Having Bo was special because we were able to see what Deion was from another superstar's point of view. Bo stated that he wouldn't have been the player he was if it wasn't for Deion Sanders. I thought that was very interesting  The difference between Bo and Deion is that although they were both multi-sport athletes, Bo didn't play both sports at the same time; or even more so on the same day in gigantic games. What I lied about this film more than anything else was that we got to see the locker room mishappening with an interviewer and Deion. Apparently, this broadcaster was saying bad things about Deion, so Deion went over to him with a bucket of ice water and dumped it on him. It was not a cool move. But at the same time, if the announcer wants to be in thir locker room, it's not out of

          This is a must watch documentary if you like sports. Honestly, this is something anyone could watch and enjoy. My appreciation for Deion Sanders increased incredibly and I only want to learn more about him. Kids my age should most definitely watch this because we didn't get the chance to see and appreciate what he was doing on those few incredible days and throughout his career. Not only is it an interesting story, it was a very well made documentary and easy to watch. It is high quality and if you like sports it is a MUST watch film. It is only about an hour and it was well worth it for me. I wish it was longer. 

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