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Wild Man With A Wild Passion To Succeed

"The truth is that many people set rules to keep from making decisions." -Mike Krzyzewski

"Just celebrate the life you had, not the life you could've had." -Magic Johnson


What I Like: 

I am a very lucky guy, because most of my family lives here in Manchester. My family is close, and that's awesome for obvious reasons. My older sister, Hannah, goes to Brandeis Univerity in Waltham, Massachusetts. She plays basketball there. Basketball has always been my favorite sport to play. I play now for the varsity team here and BBA and I hope to soon play at the collegiate level. I also played football for three years and this past year we walked away with a state championship! Playing football taught me more about life than any other sport I've previously been a part of. 


My favorite YouTuber of all time is Jimmy Tatro. He makes funny short sketches that now are becoming much bigger. My buddies and I would go through his channel from start to finish all the time. My goal is to make videos similar to his. I want to make sketch comedies this semester. I think I will be very capable and already have some very good ideas. I'm excited to start writing, which I think will be my strong point. I also would like to act in some of my films. I know this type of comedy well, and I think I will be able to make some people laugh. 


"Cut a package"~Cutting all the good clips, whole film but a shorter version of it

A-Roll~Original film that you took

Anchor~Host of the news, tv, anything, the main person in reporting

B-Roll~Background footage that has to do with the topic but you aren't focused on the person talking

Cold Open~Starts of with a scene, goes right into the film and does introductions later

Copyright~People have a right to their work, you can't copy and paste someone elses work

Credits~Ending scene, giving all the people or music, just anything credit if they or it is use din your film

Director of Photography~The one behind the camera who films what is going on

Human Interest~the aspect of a story in the media that interests people because it describes the experiences or emotions of individuals.

Lavalier Mic (Lav Mic)~Mic that clips on the person getting filmed to have clear sound

Lower Third~Where you introduce the one getting interviewed by putting subtitle saying who they are

NAT Sound~when you add in sound of what is happening, movements, feet, birds, ocean, etc

Package~A package of clips or footage

POV or Point-of-View Shot~A short scene that shows what the character is looking at

PSA~A Public Service Announcement, an announcement that everyone should hear

Sign Off, Sig, Sig Out~When you take a camera off site you have to sign it out, sign out w/ sue

Stagger-through~To move unsteadily from side to side, to arrange in a different series of shots

Stand-up~put the light stand up

Tease~Im not sure what this means, tease shot?

Two-Shot~A shot of two people together, two people, two shot

Videographer~On set who operates the camera, sound, and lighting

Voice-over~a piece of narration in a movie or broadcast, not accompanied by an image of the speaker.


Brian Gawlik~All around great man, if it wasn't for him cinema wouldn't be where it is today.

Gawlik Room~Named after Brian Gawlik, it is our News room.

Canon Vixia~A camera that allows you to do pretty much everything, very good for sporting events.

Clip~A clip is a piece of footage.

Editing~Putting all of your footage together, cut, color, clarity, composure, etc. In post production

Event (in FCPX)~Event is the name of the project that one is making.

Final Cut Pro X (FCPX)~This is where you create your film through editing.

“Fix it in Post”~If you make a mistake while filming, there is a possibility that you can fix it in post, editing it in FCPX

Initializing SD Card in Canon Vixia~Each camera contains a different file and formate, one card could be from a diff. camera and you would never know.

Jonathon Levin~This whole floor was donated in honor of Jonathan Levin.

Library (in FCPX)~This is where your film will be stored when you are editing.

“Lock it down / or lock it up”~Eyes front. face forward, look at whoever is speaking.

BBA News Room~This is where we film news clips, it has the green screen, lights, etc.

Pre-production~Finding a crew, lights camera, sim car, etc. Making sure everything is ready before you go and film.

Post-production~Everything that occurs after I am filming in FCPX

Project (in FCPX)~This is where you are creating your final project of your film on FCPX

Scene~One clip of a film is considered a scene.

Timeline~When you put your clips down together in one place, that is a timeline.


I've made many plushies in my day. However, I like this one the most. My shots are terrible. But, I really just wanted to get a camera in my hand again and start going. I want to write and act this year. I am not good at the camera work, however, I would like to get better. It was nice to edit again and start feeling good about my skills. It really isn't difficult to make something decent; it all comes down to the time put in and the effort put in during that time. I'm excited to get going this semester.


This crash course was helpful in the basic ways of using the Tascam. It is a basic device that will be very helpful and crucial in some of my films. I know the basics now, and that is a solid start. It was also nice to see Mr. Muench explain it in person. I always learn better up close and in person. I will be using the Tascam a lot in my films because I will have a ton of dialogue.  

It's nice to learn more about the basics. I really didn't have any idea what I was doing with sound. Now I at least feel that I can have decent sound in my films and this will bring up the overall quality of my films. From this video I've learned the importance of sound. I plan on using CrashCourse more this semester to help with the basic knowledge of certain things.

Sound Design Film

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It was actually pretty fun to do this project. I'm starting to learn the importance of sound. Clipgrab is a very useful resource and makes it way easier to download videos than it was using MP4. It was difficult to time up footsteps and horse trots, but I feel that I did a pretty good job. The Tascam will be extremely useful in situations where my sound needs to be spot on. I can make my own sound effects and have them time up perfectly with what is happening in the film. I still feel that my editing skills need improvement. I just don't know a lot yet. I will be watching various videos to learn more. What was cool about this project was the fact that there was no right answer. I think this will stay true through all the films I make. It's up to me what everything looks and sounds like. I'm excited to get going on bigger projects.    

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